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Standard Objects not in the Field Utilization dashboard

Understanding your Results
Last Updated
May 8, 2024

Here is a list of all the standard objects that currently do not show field data in the Field Utilization dashboard.

Keep in mind that the table may not be exhaustive and some standard objects may only appear when certain features are enabled.

Label / apiName vs isQueryable?

  • AgentWorkSkill: TRUE
  • AlternativePaymentMethod: FALSE
  • AppointmentInvitation: FALSE
  • AppointmentInvitee: FALSE
  • AppointmentScheduleLog: FALSE
  • AppointmentTopicTimeSlot: FALSE
  • ApptBundleAggrDurDnscale: FALSE
  • ApptBundleAggrPolicy: FALSE
  • ApptBundleConfig: FALSE
  • ApptBundlePolicy: FALSE
  • ApptBundlePolicySvcTerr: FALSE
  • ApptBundlePropagatePolicy: FALSE
  • ApptBundleRestrictPolicy: FALSE
  • ApptBundleSortPolicy: FALSE
  • AssistantProgress: FALSE
  • B2BMktProspect: FALSE
  • Benefit: FALSE
  • BenefitParameterValue: FALSE
  • BenefitType: FALSE
  • CartCheckoutSession: TRUE
  • CartItemPriceAdjustment: FALSE
  • CartRelatedItem: TRUE
  • CartValidationOutput: TRUE
  • ChatterActivity: TRUE
  • CollaborationGroup: TRUE
  • CollaborationGroupMember: TRUE
  • Coupon: FALSE
  • DocumentRecipient: FALSE
  • EngagementChannelWorkType: FALSE
  • ExchangeUserMapping: FALSE
  • ExpressionFilter: TRUE
  • ExpressionFilterCriteria: TRUE
  • ExternalEventMapping: TRUE
  • FeedItem: TRUE
  • FlowOrchestrationInstance: FALSE
  • FlowOrchestrationWorkItem: FALSE
  • LearningAssignment: FALSE
  • LearningAssignmentProgress: FALSE
  • LearningItem: FALSE
  • LearningLinkProgress: FALSE
  • LiveChatTranscriptSkill: TRUE
  • LocationGroup: FALSE
  • LocationGroupAssignment: FALSE
  • LoyaltyLedger: TRUE
  • LoyaltyPgmEngmtAttribute: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmEngmtAttrProm: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmGroupMbrRlnsp: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmMbrAttributeVal: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmMbrPromEligView: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmPartnerCurrency: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmPartnerPromotion: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmPtnrLdgrSummary: FALSE
  • LoyaltyPgmPtnrPrepaidPack: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramBadge: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramMbrPromotion: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramMemberBadge: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramMemberCase: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramMemberMerge: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramPartnerLedger: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramProcess: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramProcessParameter: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramProcessRule: FALSE
  • LoyaltyProgramProcessRuleVersion: FALSE
  • MacroAction: FALSE
  • MacroInstruction: TRUE
  • MacroUsage: TRUE
  • MemberBenefit: FALSE
  • NetworkMember: TRUE
  • NetworkMemberChunk: FALSE
  • NetworkReferencedObject: FALSE
  • OrderSummaryRoutingSchedule: FALSE
  • OrgDeleteRequest: TRUE
  • PaymentAuthAdjustment: FALSE
  • PendingServiceRouting: TRUE
  • PersonAccount: FALSE
  • ProductAvailabilityProjection: FALSE
  • ProductConsumedState: FALSE
  • ProductServiceCampaignItem: FALSE
  • ProductTransferState: FALSE
  • PromotionLoyaltyPtnrProdt: FALSE
  • PromotionMarketSegment: FALSE
  • PromotionQualifier: FALSE
  • PromotionSegment: FALSE
  • PromotionSegmentSalesStore: FALSE
  • PromotionTarget: FALSE
  • PromptAction: TRUE
  • PromptError: FALSE
  • QuickTextUsage: TRUE
  • RecordMergeHistory: FALSE
  • Scorecard: FALSE
  • ScorecardAssociation: FALSE
  • ScorecardMetric: FALSE
  • ServiceResourcePreference: FALSE
  • SharingRecordCollectionItem: TRUE
  • SharingRecordCollectionMember: TRUE
  • ShiftEngagementChannel: FALSE
  • ShiftPatternEntry: FALSE
  • ShiftSchedulingOperation: FALSE
  • ShiftTemplate: FALSE
  • ShiftWorkTopic: FALSE
  • ShipmentItem: FALSE
  • Site: TRUE
  • SOSSessionActivity: TRUE
  • StreamActivityAccess: FALSE
  • StreamingChannel: TRUE
  • Survey: TRUE
  • SurveyMessagingChannel: FALSE
  • SurveyPage: TRUE
  • SurveyQuestionChoice: TRUE
  • SurveyQuestionResponse: TRUE
  • SurveyResponse: TRUE
  • SurveyVersion: TRUE
  • Topic: TRUE
  • TopicAssignment: TRUE
  • TravelMode: FALSE
  • UserExternalCredential: FALSE
  • VideoCall: FALSE
  • VideoCallParticipant: FALSE
  • VideoCallRecording: FALSE
  • Voucher: FALSE
  • VoucherDefinition: FALSE
  • WebCartAdjustmentBasis: FALSE
  • WebCartAdjustmentGroup: FALSE