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What is the difference between business process mining and Hubbl Process Analytics?

In developing Hubbl Process Analytics, we aimed to address the challenges associated with traditional process mining, particularly for smaller organizations. The key distinctions are as follows:

  • Data Preparation: Hubbl Process Analytics focuses on radically reducing the need for extensive data preparation. Traditional process mining often requires significant data preparation efforts, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  • Time to Insight: Hubbl Process Analytics is designed to deliver insights quickly. It prioritizes minimizing the time it takes to gain valuable insights from your processes, making it more efficient than traditional process mining.
  • Cost Efficiency: By streamlining data preparation and accelerating the time to insight, Hubbl Process Analytics helps lower the costs associated with process mining projects.

Hubbl Process Analytics is tailored to serve as a tool for both end-users of Salesforce applications and Salesforce administration and implementation teams. It is specifically designed to cater to the needs of these groups within your organization.

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