Looking for a little help managing your Salesforce org in 2025? Learn about the AI thousands of customers already use to help manage their Salesforce org and get AI suggestions for new apps based on how it's configured - kind of like Netflix movie recommendations, but for your business.
You’ll also learn how to make the most of your apps by tracking adoption and learning how to automate required maintenance that gets you the newest features & keeps your org secure.
Join us for a live group demo where we'll showcase our Salesforce org intelligence solution, Hubbl Diagnostics.
Date: Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM PST | 1:00 PM EST
Date: Jan 30th, 2025
Time: 10:00am PST | 1:00pm EST
45-minute session
In the Salesforce ecosystem for >11 years, Mike Bogan was the first presales/solution engineer at Traction On Demand. Working with over 600 customers, he helped grow Traction from 20-1500 employees before its acquisition by Salesforce in 2022. Since then, as Chief Strategy Officer at Hubbl Technologies, Mike has been building the machine learning platform that powers a new paradigm of trusted engagements between Salesforce customers, partners and Salesforce themselves.
To make the most of the demo, we recommend running a Hubbl Diagnostics scan beforehand so you can follow along and come prepared with any questions. This will allow you to work with your data in real-time during the workshop, enabling a personalized and actionable roadmap for the installed packages in your org.